News Update

Sunday 25 December 2022

How to create a budget and stick to it for better financial management

How to create a budget and stick to it for better financial management

Creating a budget and sticking to it is an important step towards better financial management. A budget is a plan that outlines how you will allocate your income and expenses over a certain period of time, such as a month or a year. By tracking your spending and setting limits on how much you spend in each category, you can gain a better understanding of where your money is going and make more informed decisions about how to use it.

Here are some steps to help you create a budget and stick to it:

  1. Determine your income: The first step in creating a budget is to figure out how much money you have coming in. This includes your salary, any side income, and any other sources of regular income. Be sure to include all sources of income, even if they are small.
  2. Identify your expenses: The next step is to list out all of your expenses. This includes fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, and variable expenses, such as groceries and entertainment. Be as detailed as possible, and don't forget to include one-time expenses, such as gifts or annual insurance premiums.
  3. Determine your savings goals: In addition to your expenses, you should also consider your long-term financial goals. This could include saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or building up an emergency fund. Determine how much you need to save each month to reach these goals and include this in your budget.
  4. Calculate your net income: Once you have identified your income and expenses, subtract your expenses from your income to determine your net income. This is the amount of money you have left over after all of your expenses are paid. If you have a positive net income, you are in good shape. If you have a negative net income, you will need to make some adjustments to either increase your income or reduce your expenses.
  5. Create a budget plan: Now that you have all of the necessary information, you can create a budget plan that outlines how you will allocate your income and expenses. Start by dividing your expenses into categories, such as housing, transportation, food, and entertainment. Then assign a specific amount of money to each category. Be sure to include room for flexibility and unexpected expenses.
  6. Track your spending: Once you have a budget in place, it's important to track your spending to make sure you are sticking to it. This can be done manually by keeping receipts and recording your expenses in a spreadsheet or by using a budgeting app or software. Regularly reviewing your spending can help you identify areas where you may be overspending and make adjustments as needed.
  7. Make adjustments: No budget is perfect, and it's likely that you will need to make adjustments as you go along. If you find that you are consistently overspending in a particular category, you may need to cut back or find ways to increase your income. On the other hand, if you are consistently under budget in certain categories, you may be able to redirect that money towards your savings goals.

Creating and sticking to a budget can take some effort, but it can be a valuable tool for improving your financial management and helping you reach your long-term financial goals. By taking the time to plan your spending and track your progress, you can gain a better understanding of your financial situation and make more informed decisions about how to use your money.
The benefits of meditation and mindfulness for stress management and overall well-being

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness for stress management and overall well-being

Meditation and mindfulness have become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek ways to manage stress and improve their overall well-being. But what exactly are meditation and mindfulness, and how do they work?

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a single point of reference, such as the breath or a mantra, in order to still the mind and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Mindfulness, on the other hand, is the act of paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. Both practices have roots in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, but they can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their beliefs or background.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests that meditation and mindfulness can have numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Here are just a few:

  1. Stress reduction: One of the most well-known benefits of meditation and mindfulness is their ability to reduce stress. By focusing the mind on the present moment, these practices can help to calm the nervous system and reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol. As a result, people who practice meditation and mindfulness regularly may experience lower levels of anxiety and stress, as well as improved mood and overall well-being.
  2. Improved sleep: Many people struggle with insomnia or other sleep disorders, but meditation and mindfulness can help to improve sleep quality. By calming the mind and relaxing the body, these practices can help to promote deeper and more restful sleep.
  3. Enhanced focus and productivity: It's not uncommon for our minds to wander, especially when we're trying to focus on a task. But meditation and mindfulness can help to improve concentration and focus, making it easier to get things done. In fact, some studies have shown that regular meditation and mindfulness practice can even improve performance on tasks that require attention and memory.
  4. Pain management: Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, but meditation and mindfulness can help to reduce pain sensitivity and improve the quality of life for people with chronic pain conditions. Some research suggests that these practices may work by activating certain areas of the brain that are involved in pain perception and regulation.
  5. Improved cardiovascular health: Meditation and mindfulness may also have positive effects on cardiovascular health. Some studies have found that these practices can lower blood pressure, improve heart rate variability, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

So how do you get started with meditation and mindfulness? There are many different techniques and approaches to these practices, and it's important to find a method that works for you. Some people find it helpful to attend a class or workshop, while others prefer to practice on their own with the help of apps or guided meditations. Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for you.

It's also important to be consistent and make time for regular practice. Even just a few minutes of meditation or mindfulness each day can have a significant impact on stress levels and overall well-being. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Interpretasi Peta Pulau Kalimantan

Interpretasi Peta Pulau Kalimantan

Informasi Peta:

  1. Garis Batas negara yang berada di utara Pulau Kalimantan yang berbatasan dengan Negara Malaysia yang ditandai dengan warna merah dengan garis hitam putus putus.
  2. Sungai, yang diberi tanda dengan garis biru yang berkelok kelok. Sungai sungai besar yang berada di Pulau Kalimantan antara lain, Sungai Barito, Sungai Mahakam, Sungai Martapura, Sungai Betangkang, Sungai Kapuas dll.
  3. Pegunungan dan Dataran Tinggi, Pegunungan dan Dataran Tinggi Memanjang di sekitar utara Pulau Kalimantan mulai dari Kalimantan Tengah sampai utara Kalimantan Timur yang ditandai dengan adanya warna merah dan kuning. Pegunungan di Kalimantan antara lain, Peg Kapuas Hulu, Peg Muller, Peg Meratus dll.
  4. Dataran Rendah dan Rawa, Dataran Rendah ditandai dengan warna hijau dan rawa ditandai dengan garis biru putus putus yang tersebar di wilayah selatan P.Kalimantan
  5. Danau, Danau ditandai dengan warna biru, danau yang terdapat di Pulau Kalimantan antara lain, Danau Jempang, Danau Sentanu, Danau Melintang dll.
  6. Gunung, Gunung ditandai dengan Segitiga Berwarna Hitam jika gunung itu tidak aktif dan merah jika gunung itu merupakan gunung yg aktif. Beberapa gunung di Pulau Kalimantan antara lain, Gunung Palung, Gunung Bukit Raya, Gunung Halau Halau, Gunung Liangprang dll
  7. Kepulauan yang berada di Pulau Kalimantan yaitu Kepulauan Derawan yang berada di Kalimantan Timur.
  8. Laut dan Selat, Laut dan Selat ditunjukkan dgn warna biru. Gradasi menunjukkan tingkatan kedalaman laut dan selat. Semakinpekat warna biru menunjukkan bahwa laut itu lebih dalam daripada warna biru muda. Selat yang ada di Pulau Kalimantahn antara lain:
    • Selat Makassar memisahkan antara Pulau Kalimantan dan Pulau Sulawesi
    • Selat Karimata memisahkan antara Pulau Kalimantan dan Laut Jawa

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Macam-macam Puisi Baru dan Contohnya

Puisi atau sajak yang berbentuk cerita.

Puisi yg setiap baitnya terdiri atas dua baris, biasanya berima akhir.

Syair atau nyanyian yg mengandung ratapan dan ungkapan dukacita (khususnya pada peristiwa kematian).

Nyanyian pujaan untuk  Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Himne disebut juga sajak ketuhanan. Namun juga bisa untuk pujian terhadap pahlawan, tanah air, dan sebagainya.

Sajak yang terdiri atas empat dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang berisikan tentang puji-pujian kepada seseorang, bangsa, atau kepada sesuatu yang dianggap mulia.

Sajak yang terdiri atas delapan larik dalam satu bait. Oktav juga biasa disebut Stanza.

Sajak yang terdiri atas lima larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang berisi tentang adanya kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.

Sajak atau puisi yang berisikan cerita tentang cinta kasih, baik cinta kasih kepada lain jenis kelamin, kepada bangsa dan negara, kedamaian, dan sebagainya.

sajak atau puisi yang isinya sindiran mengancam, mengejek secara kasar terhadap kepincangan sosial atau ketidakadilan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat.

Sajak yang terdiri atas enam larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang terdiri atas tujuh larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yg terdiri atas empat bait biasanya 2 bait pertama masing-masing terdiri atas 4 baris dan 2 bait terakhir masing-masing terdiri atas 3 baris. Intinya soneta yang asli terdiri atas 14 baris, namun yang ada diIndonesia terkadang jumlah barisnya lebih dari 14 baris. Tambahan baris tersebut dinamakan koda atau ekor soneta.

Sajak yg terdiri atas tiga baris seuntai dng bagan rima a-b-a, b-c-b, c-d-c, d-c-d.

1. Contoh Balada :

Balada Terbunuhnya Atmo Karpo

Karya: W.S. Rendra

Dengan kuku-kuku besi kuda menebah perut bumi
Bulan berkhianat gosok-gosokkan tubuhnya di pucuk-pucuk para
Mengepit kuat-kuat lutut menunggang perampok yang diburu
Surai bau keringat basah, jenawi pun telanjang

Segenap warga desa mengepung hutan itu
Dalam satu pusaran pulang balik Atmo Karpo
Mengutuki bulan betina dan nasibnya yang malang
Berpancaran bunga api, anak panah di bahu kiri

Satu demi satu yang maju terhadap darahnya
Penunggang baja dan kuda mengangkat kaki muka.

Nyawamu barang pasar, hai orang-orang bebal!
Tombakmu pucuk daun dan matiku jauh orang papa.
Majulah Joko Pandan! Di mana ia?
Majulah ia kerna padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Anak panah empat arah dan musuh tiga silang
Atmo Karpo tegak, luka tujuh liang.

Joko Pandan! Di mana ia!
Hanya padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Bedah perutnya atapi masih setan ia
Menggertak kuda, di tiap ayun menungging kepala

Joko Pandan! Di manakah ia!
Hanya padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Berberita ringkik kuda muncullah Joko Pandan
Segala menyibak bagi reapnya kuda hitam
Ridla dada bagi derinya dendam yang tiba.
Pada langkah pertama keduanya sama baja.
Pada langkah ketiga rubuhlah Atmo Karpo
Panas luka-luka, terbuka daging kelopak-kelopak angsoka.

Malam bagai kedok hutan bopeng oleh luka
Pesta abulan, sorak sorai, anggur darah

Joko Pandan menegak, menjilat darah di pedang
Ia telah membunuh bapaknya.

2. Contoh Distikon :
Berkali kita gagal
Ulangi lagi dan cari akal
Berkali-kali kita jatuh
Kembali berdiri jangan mengeluh
(Or. Mandank)

3. Contoh Eligi :
Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil

Ini kali tidak ada yang mencari cinta
di antara gudang, rumah tua, pada cerita
tiang serta temali. Kapal, perahu tiada berlaut
menghembus diri dalam mempercaya mau berpaut

Gerimis mempercepat kelam. Ada juga kelepak elang
menyinggung muram, desir hari lari berenang
menemu bujuk pangkal akanan. Tidak bergerak
dan kini tanah dan air tidur hilang ombak.
Tiada lagi. Aku sendiri. Berjalan
menyisir semenanjung, masih pengap harap
sekali tiba di ujung dan sekalian selamat jalan
dari pantai keempat, sedu penghabisan bisa terdekap
(Chairil Anwar)

4. Contoh Himne :
Bahkan batu-batu yang keras dan bisu
Mengagungkan nama-Mu dengan cara sendiri
Menggeliat derita pada lekuk dan liku
bawah sayatan khianat dan dusta.
Dengan hikmat selalu kupandang patung-Mu
menitikkan darah dari tangan dan kaki
dari mahkota duri dan membulan paku
Yang dikarati oleh dosa manusia.
Tanpa luka-luka yang lebar terbuka
dunia kehilangan sumber kasih
Besarlah mereka yang dalam nestapa
mengenal-Mu tersalib di datam hati.
(Saini S.K)

5. Contoh Quatrain :
Mendatang-datang jua
Kenangan masa lampau
Menghilang muncul jua
Yang dulu sinau silau
Membayang rupa jua
Adi kanda lama lalu
Membuat hati jua
Layu lipu rindu-sendu
(A.M. Daeng Myala)

6. Contoh Ode :
Generasi Sekarang
Di atas puncak gunung fantasi
Berdiri aku, dan dari sana
Mandang ke bawah, ke tempat berjuang
Generasi sekarang di panjang masa

Menciptakan kemegahan baru
Pantoen keindahan Indonesia
Yang jadi kenang-kenangan
Pada zaman dalam dunia
(Asmara Hadi)

7. Contoh Oktav :
Awan datang melayang perlahan
Serasa bermimpi, serasa berangan
Bertambah lama, lupa di diri
Bertambah halus akhirnya seri
Dan bentuk menjadi hilang
Dalam langit biru gemilang
Demikian jiwaku lenyap sekarang
Dalam kehidupan teguh tenang
(Sanusi Pane)

8. Contoh Quintet :
Hanya Kepada Tuan
Satu-satu perasaan
Hanya dapat saya katakan
Kepada tuan
Yang pernah merasakan
Satu-satu kegelisahan
Yang saya serahkan
Hanya dapat saya kisahkan
Kepada tuan
Yang pernah diresah gelisahkan
Satu-satu kenyataan
Yang bisa dirasakan
Hanya dapat saya nyatakan
Kepada tuan
Yang enggan menerima kenyataan
(Or. Mandank)

9. Contoh Religi :
Contoh puisi ini mirip dengan Eligi..

10. Contoh Romansa :
Ya, kekasihku……
Engkau datang mengintai hidup,
Engkau datang menunjukkan muka,
Tetapi sekejap matamu kau tutup,
Melihat terang ananda tak suka.
Mulut kecil tiada kau buka,
Tangis teriakmu tak diperdengarkan,
Alamat hidup wartakan suka,
Kau diam anakku, kami kau tinggalkan.
Sedikitpun matamu tak mengerling,
memandang ibumu sakit berguling,
Air matamu tak bercucuran.
Kau diam, diam kekasihku,
Tak kau katakan barang pesanan,
Akan menghibur duka di dadaku,
Kekasihku, anakku, mengapa diam?
(JE. Tatengkeng)

11. Contoh Satire :
Aku bertanya
tetapi pertanyaan-pertanyaanku
membentur jidad penyair-penyair salon,
yang bersajak tentang anggur dan rembulan,
sementara ketidakadilan terjadi
di sampingnya,
dan delapan juta kanak-kanak tanpa pendidikan,
termangu-mangu dl kaki dewi kesenian.

(W.S. Rendra)

12. Contoh Sektet :
Merindu Bagia
Jika hari’lah tengah malam
Angin berhenti dari bernafas
Sukma jiwaku rasa tenggelam
Dalam laut tidak terwatas
Menangis hati diiris sedih

13. Contoh Septima :
Indonesia Tumpah Darahku
Duduk di pantai tanah yang permai
Tempat gelombang pecah berderai
Berbuih putih di pasir terderai
Tampaklah pulau di lautan hijau
Gunung gemunung bagus rupanya
Ditimpah air mulia tampaknya
Tumpah darahku Indonesia namanya
(Muhammad Yamin)

14. Contoh Soneta :
Perasaan siapa ta ‘kan nyala ( a )
Melihat anak berelagu dendang ( b )
Seorang saja di tengah padang ( b )
Tiada berbaju buka kepala ( a )
Beginilah nasib anak gembala ( a )
Berteduh di bawah kayu nan rindang ( b )
Semenjak pagi meninggalkan kandang ( b )
Pulang ke rumah di senja kala ( a )
Jauh sedikit sesayup sampai ( a )
Terdengar olehku bunyi serunai ( a )
Melagukan alam nan molek permai ( a )
Wahai gembala di segara hijau ( c )
Mendengarkan puputmu menurutkan kerbau ( c )
Maulah aku menurutkan dikau ( c )
(Muhammad Yamin)

15. Contoh Terzina :
Dalam ribaan bahagia datang
Tersenyum bagai kencana
Mengharum bagai cendana
Dalam bah’gia cinta tiba melayang
Bersinar bagai matahari
Mewarna bagaikan sari
(Dari :  Madah Kelana)
(Karya : Sanusi Pane)

Kumpulan puisi karya chairil anwar terlengkap

contoh puisi baru balada, contoh puisi baru ode, contoh puisi modern, contoh puisi lama, contoh puisi, chairil anwar, contoh puisi sahabat, puisi persahabatan, puisi sahabat

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Cara Hack Facebook Tanpa Software 2016

Cara Hack Facebook Tanpa Software 2016
Cara Hack Facebook 2016
Hack Facebook 2013
Cara Hack Facebook Tahun 2016 dan Tanpa Software!

Just Info Cara ini udah gk bisa!

Tanpa Banyak Omong atau Basa-basi Sekarang TNT4all Akan Memberitahu Bagai Mana Cara Hack Facebook Di Tahun 2013 dan Tanpa Software , Jadi Kalian Gk Usah Takut Kalau Saya Memberi Kalian Keylogger. Langsung TKP!

- Koneksi Internet
- Browser Operamini (Bila Di HP, Kalau PC Bebas
- Email Baru Yang Masih Suci

1. Langkah Pertama Kamu Masuk Ke Facebook Mobile

2. Lalu Kamu Klick Bagian Lupa Password. Jika Sudah Masuk Ke Bagian Lupa Pasword Kamu Akan Melihat Bagiannya Seperti Ini,

Dan Di Bagian Email, Telepon, atau Nama Pengguna Kamu Isikan Dengan URL Facebook Korban Yang Akan Di Hack! Lalu Klick Cari.
3. Lalu Kamu Akan Di Temukan Dengan Profile Facebook Korban Kamu , Disini Saya Pakai Percobaan Facebook Saya Sendiri.
4. Lalu Kamu Klick Aja Namanya , Lalu Jika Sudah Klick Kamu Akan Di Temukan Dengan Halaman Sperti,

Nah Di Halam Ini Itu Ada Email Si Korban Untuk Mengkonfirmasi Untuk Di Lupa Password , Tapi Kamu Jangan Klick Lanjutkan Tapi Kamu Klick Bagian Tidak punya akses ke sini lagi? 

5. Nah Lalu Jika Kamu Sudah Klick Tidak punya akses ke sini lagi? , Kamu Di Minta Untuk Memberi Email Baru Supaya Bisa Di Lupa Password , Nah Biar Emailnya Di Konfirmasi Kamu Buat Email Baru Yang Gk Ada Sangkut Maut Dengan Facebook.
6. Klick Lanjutkan , Lalu Kamu Di Suruh Menjawab Pertanyaan , Dan Selanjutnya Jika Jawabannya Terjawab , Kamu Di Minta Untuk Mengganti Password Kamu , Dan Terakhir Kamu DiSuruh Konfirmasi Facebook.

Nahh Itulah Cara Hack Facebook Tahun 2013 Tanpa Software dan Kamupun Tidak Akan Terjebak Tengan Virus Keylogger Karena Software , Sekian Dari Saya Mohon Maaf Bila Tidak Ada Yang Jelas, Kalau Ada Yang Ingin Ditanyakan Bisa Komentar Aja ^_^

Karna kebanyakan orang banyak yang berhenti di bagian pertanyaan atau security question, saya share aja deh cara hack facebook dengan Backtrack 5 cara ini memang sangat menjanjikan karena memang begitu caranya langsung aja di simak di Cara Hack Facebook Dengan Backtrack

Sunday 26 June 2016

How to Donate Your Car Sacramento

How to Donate Your Car Sacramento
In the old tax laws, anyone who donate their cars to the charity organization will be qualified for the tax deduction that is equivalent to your car’s fair market value. The problem is that many donors become greedy and deduct the MSRP of the car instead of the fair market value which causes the government to introduces a new tax law.

The new tax laws that was reinstated in 2005 allows the donor to claim the fair market value if the charity organization decides to use the car for their charity work. If your charity is using the car for charity purposes and not selling it, you can refer to the Consumer Reports Used Car Price Reports to find out the estimated fair market value. However, if the charity sells the car, you will get to deduct the tax that is a portion of the sale amount. For example, if your car worth $3,000 and the charity sells your car at the auction for $2,500, you get a tax deduction of $700 provided that your tax bracket is 28%. you will only be able to claim the tax deduction after the charity organization has already resell it.

You can check the IRS Publication 78 to see if the charity which you donate to is 501 (c)(3) organization approved. Before donating, you may want to ask the charity how much percentage of the donated value will go towards the charity causes. A recent survey shows that many charities only get about 5% from the car donation because they have to cover a lot of costs such as fund raising costs. If you need help in choosing a trustworthy charity, you can check the National Charity Reports Index at the Better Business Bureau site. The National Charity Reports Index rates the charity organizations based on 20 different accountability standards.

Donating a car to a charity organization is similar to selling your car. After you decided to donate the car, you must sign the title to the charity so that you won’t be liable to the buyer action. Another thing is that signing the title ensures that the car will be used for the designated charity purposes. You will also be required to cancel the car registration.

The steps for donating the car to the charity organization vary across the different states. You can ask the charity how they will handle your car donation. Most charities will send a tow truck to your place to pick up the vehicle. You must make sure that the tow truck is licensed and carry an adequate insurance. The charity must appoint a licensed dealer to transfer the donated vehicle.

It is advised that you avoid companies that promise they will send some of the proceeds from the same of your donated car to a charity but that they do not have any form of relationship with the charity. Not every charity organization will operate as how the donor wishes so you must be careful when selecting a charity to donate your car.

How to Donate Cars in MA

How to Donate Cars in MA
There are lesser people wanting to make cash donation so many charity organizations are now accepting car donations instead. The charity will usually sell the car or sell the parts in the car to raise funds for their charity causes. There are thousands of charities that accept car donations and not all charities are equally efficient. The most important thing is that the charity organization where you donate your car deserve your car donation gift. For example, you should pick a charity organization that is truly involved in charity work such as provide food for those living in poverty, orphanage.

If you want to get some tax benefits, make sure to confirm with them that your car donation will be qualified for tax deduction. Being qualified for tax deduction means that the charity organization has to be 501(c)(3) certified by the IRS. Besides, the charity must also be using your donated car to help people in need for example giving to a car for a poor family who don’t have any transportation. There are two option on the 1040 annual income tax return form. If you choose standard deduction, you won’t be able to get a tax deduction by donating the car to the charity. You can only be qualified for tax deduction if you choose the itemize deductions.

Before you can receive the tax deduction, you must attach the bill of sale in your tax form. The charity is responsible for sending the bill of sale within 30 days. The bill of sale is a legal proof that you have transferred ownership of the car to the charity organization. The purpose of the bill of sale is to avoid future liability. It contains information such as make/model, VIN, your name and address, date of change and the name of the charity organization you donated the car.

Some charity organizations do not accept car for donation so you should check with them first. After you have verified that the charity organization accept car as donation, you should check the Charity Navigator rating. You can do a research on Guidestar to find out how much is the pay of the employee that receive the highest salary. You may also want to pay a visit to the charity organization prior to making the car donation.

When looking to donate your car, there are a few questions you should ask the charity. If your car has already been in use for more than 20 years, you should ask them if they will accept it. You must find out from the about the overhead costs such as gas, transportation and etc. You also should ask them how long they will be taking to transfer the title.

You can find out from them where they will be keeping the vehicles before selling it. If they are going to sell the vehicle, you can find out how much time they will take to sell the vehicles. Sometimes, the turnaround of the sale of the vehicles depend on the make/model of the car so you should check with the charity about this.

Donate Car for Tax Credit

Donate Car for Tax Credit Tax benefits of donating a vehicle
But some people who give away an old auto might find their tax break smaller than they expected. And a few donors, thanks to the intricacies of vehicle gift guidelines, might be able to boost their deduction amounts.

Giving away a clunker to a charity was once straightforward. You could claim the old car's fair market value, that is, the amount a willing buyer would pay a willing seller for the product. Typically, you'd refer to auto valuation services, such as the Kelley Blue Book, to get an idea of the donated car's value, give it to your favorite nonprofit and then drive off with a tax break equal to that valuation amount. No more.

Because some taxpayers got greedy, claiming much more than their old autos were worth, lawmakers tightened the rules on how much you can write off for a vehicle donation. Now the precise tax break depends on the donor's claimed value of the gift and how the charity uses the vehicle.

"This puts taxpayers in the unusual situation of not knowing the size of their deduction when they make the donation," says Bob D. Scharin, senior tax analyst from the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters.

$500 limit
In most instances, a taxpayer must take into account a $500 threshold on vehicular gifts. This value amount applies to autos, boats and even airplanes. When the donated vehicle's value (based on credible fair market value analyses) exceeds that amount, claiming the deduction gets more complicated.

This valuation ceiling comes into play when a charity sells a donated vehicle. In this case, just how much a taxpayer can deduct depends on the amount the sale nets.

For example, you donate your old station wagon that's worth $1,000. Under the old rules, that would be the amount you could deduct. But now, if the charity turns around and sells your donation for $800, your deduction is limited to the lower sales price.

The charity must give you substantiation of the Internal Revenue Service-allowed donation amount within 30 days of when you turn your car over to the charity or, if the group sells the auto, within 30 days of the vehicle's sale.

If you haven't heard from the charity, give it a call and ask that it send, or resend, you the donation specifics. Plus, you now must include a copy of the acknowledgment, IRS Form 1098-C or an IRS acceptable substitute form that is sent to you and copied to the agency, with your tax return. Previously, such documentation was generally only kept by the taxpayer in case the IRS questioned a claimed deduction.

Donate Car to Charity California

Donate Car to Charity California Have you recently purchased a new car and are having problems with your old one? You don't know where to park them? Well, one good way of disposing these old vehicles is to donate them. The best place for car donation is the state of California.

Car donation in California is a famous alternative for those who have old vehicles. Car owners can donate their vehicles including vans, cars, boats and other types of vehicles to a charity of their choice. This is one good way of getting rid of an old useless vehicle. In addition, you are able to help those who are in need without bothering yourself about what to do with that car.

The vehicle does not need to be in very good condition to be donated. In fact, broken down cars may also be donated. These centers would tow the broken cars for free. They will then fix these and auction them for a profit. The money earned from the auction will be given to the charity of your own choice.

Another way of donating automobile is by giving it to a poor family. According to the research done by Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP), a non-profit agency, 20 percent of the American poor families can not buy a car. They are spending 40.2 percent of their budget with transportation expenses. STPP conducts a study about transportation alternative choices of Americans.

There are advantages in donating your ride in California. In other states, you are required to have the original title in order to donate. This is not the case here. In fact, as long as you are the legal owner of the car, you can still donate. The Center for Car Donations would provide you with a duplicate title form to be signed. On the other hand, car donors are entitled to a tax deduction. This is in accordance with the new tax law of 2005. In some cases, you are given a free vacation for your act of charity.

Another benefit of donating car in California is the free towing services offered. You're not required to bring the car to the Center for Car Donations. They are ready to pick it up especially if it is not in good running condition anywhere within the state.

You simply follow steps in giving out your car. First, prepare the vehicle. While it is not necessary for the car to be in good running condition, it would still be good if you make sure that it is presentable enough. Simply clean it and make sure you have nothing of your personal belongings left inside.

You also need to prepare all the important documents like registration and insurance. If you don't have the title, the Center for Car donation would provide you with a duplicate title form. After gathering all the documents to be transferred, make an online search for car donation companies that would facilitate your car donation. Make sure that the company is valid before submitting all the documents. This would prevent you from falling victim of scams.

When the car is picked up, the company would give you a tax form. This is important for you to avail of tax deduction. Make sure to file a notice of release of liability to a local Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV). Ask the people who picked up your car on how to fill out the form. Lastly, inform your insurance company that you donated your car to charity. Do this on the day you release your car. This is important for them so they can discontinue the insurance coverage.

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This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.