2016 - TNT4all
News Update

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Macam-macam Puisi Baru dan Contohnya

Puisi atau sajak yang berbentuk cerita.

Puisi yg setiap baitnya terdiri atas dua baris, biasanya berima akhir.

Syair atau nyanyian yg mengandung ratapan dan ungkapan dukacita (khususnya pada peristiwa kematian).

Nyanyian pujaan untuk  Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Himne disebut juga sajak ketuhanan. Namun juga bisa untuk pujian terhadap pahlawan, tanah air, dan sebagainya.

Sajak yang terdiri atas empat dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang berisikan tentang puji-pujian kepada seseorang, bangsa, atau kepada sesuatu yang dianggap mulia.

Sajak yang terdiri atas delapan larik dalam satu bait. Oktav juga biasa disebut Stanza.

Sajak yang terdiri atas lima larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang berisi tentang adanya kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.

Sajak atau puisi yang berisikan cerita tentang cinta kasih, baik cinta kasih kepada lain jenis kelamin, kepada bangsa dan negara, kedamaian, dan sebagainya.

sajak atau puisi yang isinya sindiran mengancam, mengejek secara kasar terhadap kepincangan sosial atau ketidakadilan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat.

Sajak yang terdiri atas enam larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yang terdiri atas tujuh larik dalam satu bait.

Sajak yg terdiri atas empat bait biasanya 2 bait pertama masing-masing terdiri atas 4 baris dan 2 bait terakhir masing-masing terdiri atas 3 baris. Intinya soneta yang asli terdiri atas 14 baris, namun yang ada diIndonesia terkadang jumlah barisnya lebih dari 14 baris. Tambahan baris tersebut dinamakan koda atau ekor soneta.

Sajak yg terdiri atas tiga baris seuntai dng bagan rima a-b-a, b-c-b, c-d-c, d-c-d.

1. Contoh Balada :

Balada Terbunuhnya Atmo Karpo

Karya: W.S. Rendra

Dengan kuku-kuku besi kuda menebah perut bumi
Bulan berkhianat gosok-gosokkan tubuhnya di pucuk-pucuk para
Mengepit kuat-kuat lutut menunggang perampok yang diburu
Surai bau keringat basah, jenawi pun telanjang

Segenap warga desa mengepung hutan itu
Dalam satu pusaran pulang balik Atmo Karpo
Mengutuki bulan betina dan nasibnya yang malang
Berpancaran bunga api, anak panah di bahu kiri

Satu demi satu yang maju terhadap darahnya
Penunggang baja dan kuda mengangkat kaki muka.

Nyawamu barang pasar, hai orang-orang bebal!
Tombakmu pucuk daun dan matiku jauh orang papa.
Majulah Joko Pandan! Di mana ia?
Majulah ia kerna padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Anak panah empat arah dan musuh tiga silang
Atmo Karpo tegak, luka tujuh liang.

Joko Pandan! Di mana ia!
Hanya padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Bedah perutnya atapi masih setan ia
Menggertak kuda, di tiap ayun menungging kepala

Joko Pandan! Di manakah ia!
Hanya padanya seorang kukandung dosa.

Berberita ringkik kuda muncullah Joko Pandan
Segala menyibak bagi reapnya kuda hitam
Ridla dada bagi derinya dendam yang tiba.
Pada langkah pertama keduanya sama baja.
Pada langkah ketiga rubuhlah Atmo Karpo
Panas luka-luka, terbuka daging kelopak-kelopak angsoka.

Malam bagai kedok hutan bopeng oleh luka
Pesta abulan, sorak sorai, anggur darah

Joko Pandan menegak, menjilat darah di pedang
Ia telah membunuh bapaknya.

2. Contoh Distikon :
Berkali kita gagal
Ulangi lagi dan cari akal
Berkali-kali kita jatuh
Kembali berdiri jangan mengeluh
(Or. Mandank)

3. Contoh Eligi :
Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil

Ini kali tidak ada yang mencari cinta
di antara gudang, rumah tua, pada cerita
tiang serta temali. Kapal, perahu tiada berlaut
menghembus diri dalam mempercaya mau berpaut

Gerimis mempercepat kelam. Ada juga kelepak elang
menyinggung muram, desir hari lari berenang
menemu bujuk pangkal akanan. Tidak bergerak
dan kini tanah dan air tidur hilang ombak.
Tiada lagi. Aku sendiri. Berjalan
menyisir semenanjung, masih pengap harap
sekali tiba di ujung dan sekalian selamat jalan
dari pantai keempat, sedu penghabisan bisa terdekap
(Chairil Anwar)

4. Contoh Himne :
Bahkan batu-batu yang keras dan bisu
Mengagungkan nama-Mu dengan cara sendiri
Menggeliat derita pada lekuk dan liku
bawah sayatan khianat dan dusta.
Dengan hikmat selalu kupandang patung-Mu
menitikkan darah dari tangan dan kaki
dari mahkota duri dan membulan paku
Yang dikarati oleh dosa manusia.
Tanpa luka-luka yang lebar terbuka
dunia kehilangan sumber kasih
Besarlah mereka yang dalam nestapa
mengenal-Mu tersalib di datam hati.
(Saini S.K)

5. Contoh Quatrain :
Mendatang-datang jua
Kenangan masa lampau
Menghilang muncul jua
Yang dulu sinau silau
Membayang rupa jua
Adi kanda lama lalu
Membuat hati jua
Layu lipu rindu-sendu
(A.M. Daeng Myala)

6. Contoh Ode :
Generasi Sekarang
Di atas puncak gunung fantasi
Berdiri aku, dan dari sana
Mandang ke bawah, ke tempat berjuang
Generasi sekarang di panjang masa

Menciptakan kemegahan baru
Pantoen keindahan Indonesia
Yang jadi kenang-kenangan
Pada zaman dalam dunia
(Asmara Hadi)

7. Contoh Oktav :
Awan datang melayang perlahan
Serasa bermimpi, serasa berangan
Bertambah lama, lupa di diri
Bertambah halus akhirnya seri
Dan bentuk menjadi hilang
Dalam langit biru gemilang
Demikian jiwaku lenyap sekarang
Dalam kehidupan teguh tenang
(Sanusi Pane)

8. Contoh Quintet :
Hanya Kepada Tuan
Satu-satu perasaan
Hanya dapat saya katakan
Kepada tuan
Yang pernah merasakan
Satu-satu kegelisahan
Yang saya serahkan
Hanya dapat saya kisahkan
Kepada tuan
Yang pernah diresah gelisahkan
Satu-satu kenyataan
Yang bisa dirasakan
Hanya dapat saya nyatakan
Kepada tuan
Yang enggan menerima kenyataan
(Or. Mandank)

9. Contoh Religi :
Contoh puisi ini mirip dengan Eligi..

10. Contoh Romansa :
Ya, kekasihku……
Engkau datang mengintai hidup,
Engkau datang menunjukkan muka,
Tetapi sekejap matamu kau tutup,
Melihat terang ananda tak suka.
Mulut kecil tiada kau buka,
Tangis teriakmu tak diperdengarkan,
Alamat hidup wartakan suka,
Kau diam anakku, kami kau tinggalkan.
Sedikitpun matamu tak mengerling,
memandang ibumu sakit berguling,
Air matamu tak bercucuran.
Kau diam, diam kekasihku,
Tak kau katakan barang pesanan,
Akan menghibur duka di dadaku,
Kekasihku, anakku, mengapa diam?
(JE. Tatengkeng)

11. Contoh Satire :
Aku bertanya
tetapi pertanyaan-pertanyaanku
membentur jidad penyair-penyair salon,
yang bersajak tentang anggur dan rembulan,
sementara ketidakadilan terjadi
di sampingnya,
dan delapan juta kanak-kanak tanpa pendidikan,
termangu-mangu dl kaki dewi kesenian.

(W.S. Rendra)

12. Contoh Sektet :
Merindu Bagia
Jika hari’lah tengah malam
Angin berhenti dari bernafas
Sukma jiwaku rasa tenggelam
Dalam laut tidak terwatas
Menangis hati diiris sedih

13. Contoh Septima :
Indonesia Tumpah Darahku
Duduk di pantai tanah yang permai
Tempat gelombang pecah berderai
Berbuih putih di pasir terderai
Tampaklah pulau di lautan hijau
Gunung gemunung bagus rupanya
Ditimpah air mulia tampaknya
Tumpah darahku Indonesia namanya
(Muhammad Yamin)

14. Contoh Soneta :
Perasaan siapa ta ‘kan nyala ( a )
Melihat anak berelagu dendang ( b )
Seorang saja di tengah padang ( b )
Tiada berbaju buka kepala ( a )
Beginilah nasib anak gembala ( a )
Berteduh di bawah kayu nan rindang ( b )
Semenjak pagi meninggalkan kandang ( b )
Pulang ke rumah di senja kala ( a )
Jauh sedikit sesayup sampai ( a )
Terdengar olehku bunyi serunai ( a )
Melagukan alam nan molek permai ( a )
Wahai gembala di segara hijau ( c )
Mendengarkan puputmu menurutkan kerbau ( c )
Maulah aku menurutkan dikau ( c )
(Muhammad Yamin)

15. Contoh Terzina :
Dalam ribaan bahagia datang
Tersenyum bagai kencana
Mengharum bagai cendana
Dalam bah’gia cinta tiba melayang
Bersinar bagai matahari
Mewarna bagaikan sari
(Dari :  Madah Kelana)
(Karya : Sanusi Pane)

Kumpulan puisi karya chairil anwar terlengkap

contoh puisi baru balada, contoh puisi baru ode, contoh puisi modern, contoh puisi lama, contoh puisi, chairil anwar, contoh puisi sahabat, puisi persahabatan, puisi sahabat

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Cara Hack Facebook Tanpa Software 2016

Cara Hack Facebook Tanpa Software 2016
Cara Hack Facebook 2016
Hack Facebook 2013
Cara Hack Facebook Tahun 2016 dan Tanpa Software!

Just Info Cara ini udah gk bisa!

Tanpa Banyak Omong atau Basa-basi Sekarang TNT4all Akan Memberitahu Bagai Mana Cara Hack Facebook Di Tahun 2013 dan Tanpa Software , Jadi Kalian Gk Usah Takut Kalau Saya Memberi Kalian Keylogger. Langsung TKP!

- Koneksi Internet
- Browser Operamini (Bila Di HP, Kalau PC Bebas
- Email Baru Yang Masih Suci

1. Langkah Pertama Kamu Masuk Ke Facebook Mobile

2. Lalu Kamu Klick Bagian Lupa Password. Jika Sudah Masuk Ke Bagian Lupa Pasword Kamu Akan Melihat Bagiannya Seperti Ini,

Dan Di Bagian Email, Telepon, atau Nama Pengguna Kamu Isikan Dengan URL Facebook Korban Yang Akan Di Hack! Lalu Klick Cari.
3. Lalu Kamu Akan Di Temukan Dengan Profile Facebook Korban Kamu , Disini Saya Pakai Percobaan Facebook Saya Sendiri.
4. Lalu Kamu Klick Aja Namanya , Lalu Jika Sudah Klick Kamu Akan Di Temukan Dengan Halaman Sperti,

Nah Di Halam Ini Itu Ada Email Si Korban Untuk Mengkonfirmasi Untuk Di Lupa Password , Tapi Kamu Jangan Klick Lanjutkan Tapi Kamu Klick Bagian Tidak punya akses ke sini lagi? 

5. Nah Lalu Jika Kamu Sudah Klick Tidak punya akses ke sini lagi? , Kamu Di Minta Untuk Memberi Email Baru Supaya Bisa Di Lupa Password , Nah Biar Emailnya Di Konfirmasi Kamu Buat Email Baru Yang Gk Ada Sangkut Maut Dengan Facebook.
6. Klick Lanjutkan , Lalu Kamu Di Suruh Menjawab Pertanyaan , Dan Selanjutnya Jika Jawabannya Terjawab , Kamu Di Minta Untuk Mengganti Password Kamu , Dan Terakhir Kamu DiSuruh Konfirmasi Facebook.

Nahh Itulah Cara Hack Facebook Tahun 2013 Tanpa Software dan Kamupun Tidak Akan Terjebak Tengan Virus Keylogger Karena Software , Sekian Dari Saya Mohon Maaf Bila Tidak Ada Yang Jelas, Kalau Ada Yang Ingin Ditanyakan Bisa Komentar Aja ^_^

Karna kebanyakan orang banyak yang berhenti di bagian pertanyaan atau security question, saya share aja deh cara hack facebook dengan Backtrack 5 cara ini memang sangat menjanjikan karena memang begitu caranya langsung aja di simak di Cara Hack Facebook Dengan Backtrack

Sunday 26 June 2016

How to Donate Your Car Sacramento

How to Donate Your Car Sacramento
In the old tax laws, anyone who donate their cars to the charity organization will be qualified for the tax deduction that is equivalent to your car’s fair market value. The problem is that many donors become greedy and deduct the MSRP of the car instead of the fair market value which causes the government to introduces a new tax law.

The new tax laws that was reinstated in 2005 allows the donor to claim the fair market value if the charity organization decides to use the car for their charity work. If your charity is using the car for charity purposes and not selling it, you can refer to the Consumer Reports Used Car Price Reports to find out the estimated fair market value. However, if the charity sells the car, you will get to deduct the tax that is a portion of the sale amount. For example, if your car worth $3,000 and the charity sells your car at the auction for $2,500, you get a tax deduction of $700 provided that your tax bracket is 28%. you will only be able to claim the tax deduction after the charity organization has already resell it.

You can check the IRS Publication 78 to see if the charity which you donate to is 501 (c)(3) organization approved. Before donating, you may want to ask the charity how much percentage of the donated value will go towards the charity causes. A recent survey shows that many charities only get about 5% from the car donation because they have to cover a lot of costs such as fund raising costs. If you need help in choosing a trustworthy charity, you can check the National Charity Reports Index at the Better Business Bureau site. The National Charity Reports Index rates the charity organizations based on 20 different accountability standards.

Donating a car to a charity organization is similar to selling your car. After you decided to donate the car, you must sign the title to the charity so that you won’t be liable to the buyer action. Another thing is that signing the title ensures that the car will be used for the designated charity purposes. You will also be required to cancel the car registration.

The steps for donating the car to the charity organization vary across the different states. You can ask the charity how they will handle your car donation. Most charities will send a tow truck to your place to pick up the vehicle. You must make sure that the tow truck is licensed and carry an adequate insurance. The charity must appoint a licensed dealer to transfer the donated vehicle.

It is advised that you avoid companies that promise they will send some of the proceeds from the same of your donated car to a charity but that they do not have any form of relationship with the charity. Not every charity organization will operate as how the donor wishes so you must be careful when selecting a charity to donate your car.

How to Donate Cars in MA

How to Donate Cars in MA
There are lesser people wanting to make cash donation so many charity organizations are now accepting car donations instead. The charity will usually sell the car or sell the parts in the car to raise funds for their charity causes. There are thousands of charities that accept car donations and not all charities are equally efficient. The most important thing is that the charity organization where you donate your car deserve your car donation gift. For example, you should pick a charity organization that is truly involved in charity work such as provide food for those living in poverty, orphanage.

If you want to get some tax benefits, make sure to confirm with them that your car donation will be qualified for tax deduction. Being qualified for tax deduction means that the charity organization has to be 501(c)(3) certified by the IRS. Besides, the charity must also be using your donated car to help people in need for example giving to a car for a poor family who don’t have any transportation. There are two option on the 1040 annual income tax return form. If you choose standard deduction, you won’t be able to get a tax deduction by donating the car to the charity. You can only be qualified for tax deduction if you choose the itemize deductions.

Before you can receive the tax deduction, you must attach the bill of sale in your tax form. The charity is responsible for sending the bill of sale within 30 days. The bill of sale is a legal proof that you have transferred ownership of the car to the charity organization. The purpose of the bill of sale is to avoid future liability. It contains information such as make/model, VIN, your name and address, date of change and the name of the charity organization you donated the car.

Some charity organizations do not accept car for donation so you should check with them first. After you have verified that the charity organization accept car as donation, you should check the Charity Navigator rating. You can do a research on Guidestar to find out how much is the pay of the employee that receive the highest salary. You may also want to pay a visit to the charity organization prior to making the car donation.

When looking to donate your car, there are a few questions you should ask the charity. If your car has already been in use for more than 20 years, you should ask them if they will accept it. You must find out from the about the overhead costs such as gas, transportation and etc. You also should ask them how long they will be taking to transfer the title.

You can find out from them where they will be keeping the vehicles before selling it. If they are going to sell the vehicle, you can find out how much time they will take to sell the vehicles. Sometimes, the turnaround of the sale of the vehicles depend on the make/model of the car so you should check with the charity about this.

Donate Car for Tax Credit

Donate Car for Tax Credit Tax benefits of donating a vehicle
But some people who give away an old auto might find their tax break smaller than they expected. And a few donors, thanks to the intricacies of vehicle gift guidelines, might be able to boost their deduction amounts.

Giving away a clunker to a charity was once straightforward. You could claim the old car's fair market value, that is, the amount a willing buyer would pay a willing seller for the product. Typically, you'd refer to auto valuation services, such as the Kelley Blue Book, to get an idea of the donated car's value, give it to your favorite nonprofit and then drive off with a tax break equal to that valuation amount. No more.

Because some taxpayers got greedy, claiming much more than their old autos were worth, lawmakers tightened the rules on how much you can write off for a vehicle donation. Now the precise tax break depends on the donor's claimed value of the gift and how the charity uses the vehicle.

"This puts taxpayers in the unusual situation of not knowing the size of their deduction when they make the donation," says Bob D. Scharin, senior tax analyst from the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters.

$500 limit
In most instances, a taxpayer must take into account a $500 threshold on vehicular gifts. This value amount applies to autos, boats and even airplanes. When the donated vehicle's value (based on credible fair market value analyses) exceeds that amount, claiming the deduction gets more complicated.

This valuation ceiling comes into play when a charity sells a donated vehicle. In this case, just how much a taxpayer can deduct depends on the amount the sale nets.

For example, you donate your old station wagon that's worth $1,000. Under the old rules, that would be the amount you could deduct. But now, if the charity turns around and sells your donation for $800, your deduction is limited to the lower sales price.

The charity must give you substantiation of the Internal Revenue Service-allowed donation amount within 30 days of when you turn your car over to the charity or, if the group sells the auto, within 30 days of the vehicle's sale.

If you haven't heard from the charity, give it a call and ask that it send, or resend, you the donation specifics. Plus, you now must include a copy of the acknowledgment, IRS Form 1098-C or an IRS acceptable substitute form that is sent to you and copied to the agency, with your tax return. Previously, such documentation was generally only kept by the taxpayer in case the IRS questioned a claimed deduction.

Donate Car to Charity California

Donate Car to Charity California Have you recently purchased a new car and are having problems with your old one? You don't know where to park them? Well, one good way of disposing these old vehicles is to donate them. The best place for car donation is the state of California.

Car donation in California is a famous alternative for those who have old vehicles. Car owners can donate their vehicles including vans, cars, boats and other types of vehicles to a charity of their choice. This is one good way of getting rid of an old useless vehicle. In addition, you are able to help those who are in need without bothering yourself about what to do with that car.

The vehicle does not need to be in very good condition to be donated. In fact, broken down cars may also be donated. These centers would tow the broken cars for free. They will then fix these and auction them for a profit. The money earned from the auction will be given to the charity of your own choice.

Another way of donating automobile is by giving it to a poor family. According to the research done by Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP), a non-profit agency, 20 percent of the American poor families can not buy a car. They are spending 40.2 percent of their budget with transportation expenses. STPP conducts a study about transportation alternative choices of Americans.

There are advantages in donating your ride in California. In other states, you are required to have the original title in order to donate. This is not the case here. In fact, as long as you are the legal owner of the car, you can still donate. The Center for Car Donations would provide you with a duplicate title form to be signed. On the other hand, car donors are entitled to a tax deduction. This is in accordance with the new tax law of 2005. In some cases, you are given a free vacation for your act of charity.

Another benefit of donating car in California is the free towing services offered. You're not required to bring the car to the Center for Car Donations. They are ready to pick it up especially if it is not in good running condition anywhere within the state.

You simply follow steps in giving out your car. First, prepare the vehicle. While it is not necessary for the car to be in good running condition, it would still be good if you make sure that it is presentable enough. Simply clean it and make sure you have nothing of your personal belongings left inside.

You also need to prepare all the important documents like registration and insurance. If you don't have the title, the Center for Car donation would provide you with a duplicate title form. After gathering all the documents to be transferred, make an online search for car donation companies that would facilitate your car donation. Make sure that the company is valid before submitting all the documents. This would prevent you from falling victim of scams.

When the car is picked up, the company would give you a tax form. This is important for you to avail of tax deduction. Make sure to file a notice of release of liability to a local Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV). Ask the people who picked up your car on how to fill out the form. Lastly, inform your insurance company that you donated your car to charity. Do this on the day you release your car. This is important for them so they can discontinue the insurance coverage.

read more : http://donatecartocharitycalifornia-i.blogspot.co.id/2013/10/donate-car-to-charity-california-p1.html

How to Find the Best Mesothelioma Lawyer or Law Firm

How to Find the Best Mesothelioma Lawyer or Law Firm If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer or any other illness caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos, there are many decisions you must make. Of course, your top priority will be taking care of yourself and focusing on the medical aspects and mesothelioma treatment choices. You will also have to deal with an array of other issues, such as how much will it cost to treat your asbestos-related illness and how will it affect your family. In the first few days, you might not even think about hiring a mesothelioma lawyer because of your pressing emotional and medical concerns.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, keep in mind that you may be entitled to substantial compensation. We invite you to use our Asbestos Attorney Locator Tool to find a top mesothelioma lawyer in your area. With over $30 billion currently in asbestos trust funds, now is the right time to take the first step in determining what you may qualify for.

Hiring the Best Mesothelioma Attorney

If this is the first time that you have needed to hire an attorney, you need to know that asbestos and mesothelioma cases should not be handled by just anyone with a law practice. Like car accident or nursing home abuse lawyers, asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys specialize in a narrow niche of personal injury law, with a unique focus on asbestos-related lawsuits.

This field is extremely complex and requires knowledge about the asbestos industry, knowledge of mesothelioma treatments, exposure to asbestos, and investigative methods to determine who is at fault. The average personal injury lawyer might have a general idea about cases related to asbestos, but may not have the experience or skill sets to handle your case in a way that an accomplished mesothelioma lawyer can. A mesothelioma attorney has the right tools and experience to help you deal with the complexities of your case and to help you win fair compensation for your asbestos-related illness.

Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all mold which produces mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers. Every individual lawyer has a unique method of handling cases, and each law firm has its own set of legal strategies in dealing with asbestos law. Some lawyers have dealt with cases such as yours for years and understand first-hand about the disease, including the harsh symptoms of mesothelioma and what victims have to live with on a daily basis.

On the other hand, other attorneys are newcomers to the world of mesothelioma law, and although they may have asbestos-related training, they lack the experience of actual cases. Choosing the right lawyer to handle your case can be a challenge, especially if you’re stressing over your illness, your bills, and how this is affecting your loved ones. However, as previously mentioned, if you arm yourself with knowledge and options, finding a good lawyer doesn’t have to be difficult.

Steps To Finding The Best Lawyer or Law Firm

Choosing a mesothelioma attorney is not a task that should be done in haste. You should never hire a lawyer just because a law firm’s TV ad was loud and flashy. There are many attorneys and law firms competing to handle asbestos or mesothelioma cases, but some are inexperienced newcomers who might not be able to handle your case properly. You need to separate the good lawyers from the not-so-good ones. But with so many law firms and attorneys out there, how do you find the right one?

1. Research 

The first step is to do research on mesothelioma and asbestos attorneys. This sounds easy enough, but it requires time, patience, and energy. These three assets might be in short supply, especially when you are tired and don’t feel well, yet it’s important to make sure you seek out the best mesothelioma law firm for your particular case and needs. If you feel you aren’t up to the challenge, consider enlisting family members and/or friends to help you conduct Internet searches and make lists of law firms or attorneys who may be qualified to handle your case.

Whether you conduct your own research or delegate it to others, look for attorneys with the right qualifications and established histories of dealing with asbestos law. Don’t make a list that’s too long. Select a manageable number of prospective mesothelioma law firms and ask for a case evaluation as quickly as possible. If a law firm can’t evaluate your case in a timely manner, there is a chance they may be too busy to take on your case. With cases as sensitive as mesothelioma lawsuits, you’ll need an attorney who not only has the experience, but also the time and effort to dedicate themselves to the unique needs of your case.

2. Internet 

Looking on the Internet is a convenient and relatively simple method to find the best attorney. The search terms “asbestos lawyer” and “mesothelioma attorneys” yield literally thousands of search engine results. Though the sheer number of lawyer websites is staggering, you can figure out the better ones simply by reading the information provided on home pages and FAQ sections. An experienced mesothelioma law firm’s website should provide you detailed information regarding all aspects of asbestos-related diseases, state statute of limitations, pertinent information regarding lawsuits, and answers to important questions you may have.

3. Comprehensive Websites 
If the information is well-written, free of hyperbole, and covers detailed information, add the firms’ names to your list of possible choices. Steer clear of websites belonging to attorneys who make exaggerated promises about how much you will win if you retain them to handle your case. Although it’s important to seek out a law firm’s track record of previous successful mesothelioma lawsuits, no law firm can guarantee exactly how much you’ll win.

Keep in mind that although mesothelioma legal cases were relatively obscure until the number of documented mesothelioma cases rose in the 1990s and 2000s, they are usually lucrative and many cases are successful. Yet, there are an array of factors that affect each case, such as the stage of the disease, how you long you were exposed, and much more. Therefore, it’s not possible for a mesothelioma law firm to promise you a set amount of money beforehand. The best lawyers will never make you false promises of how much compensation you can win, although giving you a ballpark figure shouldn’t be seen as a red flag.

Key Points in Finding the Best Mesothelioma Law Firm

  • Knowledgeable in all aspects of state and federal asbestos laws
  • Extensive knowledge of all asbestos-related diseases, such as malignant mesothelioma and asbestosis
  • Training on how to handle families with lost loved ones and/or victims going through emotional trauma
  • Proper investigative skills in order to research prior company records, and if applicable, previous lawsuits against the defendant
  • A professional law firm typically offers a no-obligation consultation in order to determine if they can successfully handle your case

Additional Tips:
Get Client References: If you want to find out how well mesothelioma lawyers handle their cases, ask for testimonials from some of their clients. Prospective hires will provide you with a list of satisfied clients who have cleared the attorneys to give to their names and contact information. You probably will see only positive feedback, but you can get a good feel for how successfully the lawyers handled previous cases.

Get a Consultation: Once you have a short list of attorneys that fit the needs of your asbestos lawsuit, begin contacting them and ask for a pre-screening. The initial contact can be made on the Internet via the attorneys’ websites or by phone. The consultation, however, is best done in person because this is when the attorneys evaluate your case. During this evaluation, the asbestos lawyers will advise you on your case’s validity, your chances of getting a settlement, and how much of a percentage of the award they will get if you win. Keep in mind, as aforementioned, the best mesothelioma lawyers will usually offer you a free, no-obligation consultation before taking on your case.

read more : https://www.mesotheliomalawyercenter.org/mesothelioma-lawyer/

Friday 24 June 2016

Cara Mengetahui Akun Adsense Approve atau Review Kedua

Cara Mengetahui Akun Adsense Approve atau Review Kedua

Yup, Mungkin beberapa dari kalian bingung, Dashboard adsense bisa di buka tapi iklan tidak tayang-tayang, saya sendiri pun mengalaminya.

Saya mencoba iseng-iseng contact google segala macem tetap, iklan belum tayang-tayang, bahkan saya bertanya ke beberapa orang sama ada yang seperti itu bahkan hingga tahunan.

Saya coba iseng mendownload Aplikasi Adsense. Untuk memantau akun kita.

Setelah saya pakai ternyata di Aplikasi itu ada Notifikasi bahwa Akun saya masih menunggu review kedua dan beberapa akun saya ada yang Disapprove.

Jadi intinya untuk mengetahui Akun kita Approve atau Review kita buka/download Aplikasi Google Adsense untuk Handphone kalian. Dan kalian buka bagian Notification di situ ada keterangannya :D

Contoh akun adsense yang Review seperti pada Foto di Bawah.

Bila Akun Approve tidak akan ada Notifikasi seperti itu, dan waktunya kamu untuk pasang iklan di blog :D

Semoga bermanfaat postingan saya kali ini :v Kalo ada yang tidak di mengerti bisa comment :D

Trick Adsense Approve (Without Email Approve)

Trick Adsense Approve (Without Email Approve)
Yahh, sekarang saya mau coba sharing pengalaman saya. Bulan lalu saya coba daftar adsense, namun di tolak karna Duplicat Content.

Setelah saya baca sana sini soal daftar adsense yang saat ini sedang booming sekali, trick segala macem cara bypass approve adsense.

saya mencoba untuk mempelajarinya dan mencoba beberapa trick dan saya kolaborasikan.


Cara Mengetahui Akun Adsense Approve atau Review Kedua

dan hasilnya begini. Blog saya yang Disapprove karna Duplicate content kini iklannya sudah tayang (Tanpa Email Approve) apakah ini yang di namakan Adsense Bug ? Gataulah yang penting iklan tayang dan penghasilan masuk amin.

Okeh Langsung saja. tapi saya hanya rincikan dengan text saja tidak dengan gambar karna saya tidak sempat SS pada saat saya coba :v

1. Daftar adsense dari Blog seperti biasa. (Tab Penghasilan di Blog)
2. Setelah daftar. Bula Bagian Monetize/Penghasilan di Blog kamu.
3. Kamu Klick "Tukar Akun AdSense".
4. Kamu Loginkan Akun Adsense yang sama kamu baru daftarkan tadi.
5. Jika sudah. Kamu masuk ke Admob.com, registrasi dengan email adsense yang tadi kamu daftarkan sampai selesai.
6. Jika sudah daftar adsense. Kamu lakukan lagi step Nomor 3 dan 4.
7. Setelah itu kamu buka Google.com/Adsense. Dan aktifkan iklan pasang scriptnya di blog.
8. Dalam beberapa menit/jam iklan akan tayang.

Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses tricknya. soalnya baru sekali coba dan sukses. hehehe..

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Cara Menghasilkan Uang Online dari Community Hubbub

Cara Menghasilkan Uang Online dari Community Hubbub  
Oke Langsung saya pembahasannya tanpa banyak cingcong.

1. Kamu harus mendaftar dulu ke COMMHUBB.COM (Hargai Refferal)
2. Seperti biasa kamu di suruh memasukan data-data yang di minta oleh COMMBUBB.
3. Jika Sudah Mendaftar nanti kamu harus menunggu kurang lebih 24jam untuk mengonfirmasi akun kamu.

Ok, setelah itu kamu tinggal pasang Script Banner yang di sediakan di Blog/Website kamu, atau kamu bisa ajak teman-teman kamu untuk daftar untuk mendapatkan bonus Refferal :D 

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Cara Membuat Postingan #PathDaily di Path

Cara Membuat Postingan #PathDaily di Path Di dunia, aplikasi sosial media Path tidaklah populer seperti di Indonesia. Aplikasi yang membatasi jumlah temannya hanya 500 orang ini menjadi populer di Indonesia karena memudahkan penggunanya untuk berbagi status, foto, video, lokasi, bahkan hingga mendengarkan atau nonton lagu apa.

Nah, baru-baru ini Path menggulirkan update versi baru yang dibekali fitur Path Daily yang menghebohkan. Penasaran gak gimana cara membuat Path Daily di Path?

Cara Membuat Postingan #PathDaily di Path

1. Update atau Download dulu Path Versi Terbaru.
2. Jika Sudah, Kamu Tinggal Buat moment "Thought" seperti biasa, namun di tambah dengan akhiran Hastag #PathDaily

3. Setelah di save maka moment "Thought" yang kamu buat tadi akan di update menjadi moment "Thought Visual".

Simple bukan ? silahkan di coba, terima kasih sudah berkunjung semoga bermanfaat.

The Top Ten Travel Adventures for 2016

The Top Ten Travel Adventures for 2016 I am a huge adventure travel fan and with so many options around the world it can be overwhelming.  I want to make it easier for adrenaline junkies and explorers to choose their next trip with some very special locations for 2016.

Whether hanging out with mountain gorillas in the Rwandan jungles, climbing the glaciers of Greenland with a climate change scientist, sipping yak butter tea with nomads in Mongolia, or experiencing the creepy locations from the hit HBO series “Game of Thrones”, a group of travel experts and tour operators have helped contribute to my top ten list of travel adventures for 2016.

Patagonia - Join renowned South American photographer and nature documentary filmmaker Ossian Lindholm on a Patagonian hiking and photo tour that blends Chiloe Island and Torres Del Paine National Park.  Evenings are spent at the award winning EcoCamp Patagonia in its sustainable, comfortable, geodesic Suite Domes, the region’s first fully sustainable accommodation south of the Amazon. The new Patagonia Park has transformed a cattle ranch in Chile’s Aysen region into a land of glaciated peaks and wildlife. This journey ranks among the most coveted photo tour destinations in the world. Ciclismo Classico director Lauren Hefferon says it is among the most beautiful and inspiring places she has been to in her 30 years of world travel experiences.

Mongolia – Mongolia’s endless grassland and desert steppe make a dramatic backdrop for the tiny round gers of lone nomadic families.  Buddhist monasteries mark the vague tracks across the steppe and the annual festival, Naadam, still showcases nomadic skills.  In Siberia, take to the waters of great Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest lake on earth, and ride a section of the fabled Trans-Siberian Railway or sip tea in the doorway of a traditional nomadic ger as you watch the sun set over the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert.
Iceland - The scenery is dramatic, beautiful, nearly absent of trees, and littered with volcanic lava. The visual splendor of the island can be enjoyed on foot, vehicle, bike, boat, or horse. Iceland boasts amazing brown trout and char fishing and is a mecca for salmon fishermen. It is as famous for its gastronomic delights, too. Add to that an Icelandair Stopover promotion that lets travellers spend up to seven nights in Reykjavik en route to their final destination at no additional airfare. The airline also offers a new Golden Escape Vacation package with Golden Circle tour, spa and hotel included with airfare. Iceland-based low-cost carrier WOW Airlines also continues to expand in North America.
Greenland - Greenland offers fantastic landscapes of pristine beauty, exotic, arctic wildlife and abundant northern lights. The spring provides a taste of the beauty of Greenland during a time of the year when the snow and sea ice are still thick enough for dog sledding and the saltwater fish are biting. Late April is dark enough at night to see the magnificent Northern Lights, and this time of year is also one of the best to see the magnificent wild musk-ox herd near Kangerlussuaq. March 2016 will welcome the international Arctic Winter Games to capital Nuuk, along with a song, food and dance festival.
Cuba- For the first time since its 1972 inception, Central Holidays, the premier tour operator specializing in travel throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, is expanding its destination expertise with the launch of five dynamic people-to-people itineraries in Cuba: Afro Cubanismo,  A Taste of Havana, The City & The Sea, and Hola Cuba. Designed for travelers with a zest for exploration, Central Holidays’ five- to nine-night programs immerse guests in Cuba’s culture while shedding light on its history, art, religious, and music scenes.
Wales & Ireland Game of Thrones Adventure- Embark on a journey that transcends worlds and time as you explore the lands of HBO’s Game of Thrones.  Tenon Tours’ self-drive explores the many historic sites that served as inspiration for the adventures of George R. R. Martin’s complex world of Westeros. Visitors looking for a shorter jaunt can enjoy a city break with Tenon Tours in Cardiff or Llandudo that offers exciting day excursions to the new Bounce Below (the world’s first underground trampoline park in a former slate mine) and Zip World (the longest and fastest zip line in the northern hemisphere) attractions near Llandudno, or a trip into a formerly working coal mind at the UNESCO World Heritage National Coal Museum outside of Cardiff.
Rwanda – Encounter some of the last remaining mountain gorillas in the world by trekking into the lush forests of Rwanda, home to hundreds of species of birds and numerous waterfalls. Explore Kigali, one of Africa’s cleanest, safest, and most progressive cities, and visit the important genocide memorial. Track chimpanzees and the beautiful golden monkey, and keep an eye out for elephants and buffalo. Enjoy a boat ride on the massive Lake Kivu, spend time relaxing on the beach, and enjoy some of the world’s best coffee.
Georgia – The little country of Georgia is a gorgeous place boasting fabulous food, music and mountains.  Its warm Mediterranean climate, deep black soil, saw-toothed mountains and Black Sea coast combine to make a Garden of Eden, overflowing with wine and rich in culinary flair – everything you could wish for in a destination. Explore the archaeological sites of Vani, which has yielded hundreds of gorgeous golden artifacts and 9th century Dmanisi, where four 1.7 million-year-old H. erectus skulls were discovered. Cheap flights, new routes, and improved infrastructure confirm Georgia as a top destination for 2016.
Antarctica – See it before it’s gone. Explore the wildlife-rich shores and waters of remote Antarctica on a small ship cruise. Guests will encounter colossal icebergs and ice landscapes that stretch as far as the eye can see. Hardy adventurers or those with a yearning for history can camp out on the ice and feel the thrill and audacity of early explorers who attempted to conquer this continent. The abundance of wildlife is truly extraordinary, including five seal species, massive penguin rookeries of Gentoo, Adelie and Chinstraps, as well as a profusion of seabirds from albatross to skuas. Interest in Antarctica is set to swell.
Romania + Bulgaria – Explore the complex history and fascinating culture of Bulgaria and Romania, two Balkan countries whose rugged terrain and consequent isolation have helped preserve their heritage. Discover the luminous frescoes of the painted monasteries, breathe in the fragrance of the Valley of the Roses, and spend an afternoon visiting with villagers in a tiny Transylvanian town. Discover the Romanian origins of the Dracula story in the medieval towns of Sighisoara and Bran, whose castle embodies the Gothic image of a Transylvanian vampire castle.
The following suggested tour operators will help organize the best experience possible when exploring undiscovered locales.

Gondwana EcoTours – Gondwana Ecotours shows you your destination in a unique, exciting and responsible fashion. We are committed to providing sustainable travel — maintaining an environmental and cultural focus while providing the vacation of a lifetime! Tour the Amazon Rainforest with indigenous guides, Encounter some of the last remaining mountain gorillas in the wild & contribute to their preservation, Safari in Tanzania and visit with the Maasai people,Explore Machu Picchu without the crowds… hike with grizzlies in Alaska. http://gondwanaecotours.com

Ciclismo Classico – At Ciclismo Classico, the pioneers in bicycle travel since 1989, creating an active experience that sparks your passion is our sole mission. Like chefs who intuitively know, love and seek out delicious flavors to blend into a succulent dish, our Ciclismo Classico itinerary-dream-team combines an insatiable love of cycling, travel and culture with a rich imagination for creating one-of-a-kind, two-wheeled and photography tours. http://ciclismoclassico.com/

Frontiers International Travel – Frontiers is a full-service travel company that specializes in light-tackle fishing, quality bird shooting, wildlife photographic safaris, and Elegant Journeys throughout the world. Since 1969 they have helped avid travelers and discriminating sportsmen discover the finest resources available. http://www.frontierstravel.com/

MIR Corporation – MIR Corporation, whose name means “peace” and “world” in Russian, has specialized in Russia (and neighboring countries) since 1986. Offering scheduled and custom journeys to Russia, along the Trans-Siberian and across the Silk Route, MIR’s Seattle-based experts design imaginative trips that take travelers far from the familiar, and work closely with local affiliates in Western Russia, Siberia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan to carry them out. MIR has twice been named one of National Geographic Adventure’s “Best Adventure Travel Companies on Earth,” and is a preferred operator for museum, alumni and special interest organizations across the country. http://www.mircorp.com

Big Chill Adventures – Big Chill Adventures was started by Sarah Aciego, a professor of Glaciology at the University of Michigan, and Mindy Cambiar, a photographer from New Hampshire. Professor Aciego has led multiple scientific expeditions to Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska and the Canadian Rockies, and her research has resulted in 20+ publications on ice and climate. Mindy Cambiar is a graduate of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography’s Summer and Advanced Intensive Programs and Professional Studies Program and published photographer. Their work together has documented the interaction of scientists and their environment on these expeditions.  Their specialized expertise and intimate knowledge of some of the most beautiful, and forbidding, landscapes provide an opportunity for an extraordinary Greenland experience.  http://bigchilladventure.com

Adventure Life – Adventure Life is a company of travelers with a passion for sharing the world with others. Our travel experience runs deep, from years volunteering in rural Africa and Central America, to research trips in Asia, studying in Europe, guiding in the Rockies, and just bouncing around every corner of the world. This deep experience is the reason behind our pioneering approach to travel and award winning itineraries. http://adventure-life.com

from : http://www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2016/01/08/the-top-ten-travel-adventures-for-2016/

Cara Membagi Partisi Komputer Dengan EASEUS Partition Master

Cara Membagi Partisi Komputer Dengan EASEUS Partition Master Kadang-kadang klo anda menginstal ulan komputer anda, anda langsung men delete semua partisi dan lupa meng create lagi partisinya ... lalu anda menginstal ulang lagi komputer anda. itu semua hanya membuang buang waktu anda . betul ?...

nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan cara membagi partisi dengan cepat dan gampang dengan menggunakan EASEUS Partition Master.

Yuk ahh mulai ....

pertama kamu harus download dulu EASEUS Partition Masternya
lalu kamu instal deh.
lanjut. klo kamu udah install tuh. kamu launch EASEUSnya
terus GO to main screen.
Terus kamu klick Create untuk membuat Partisinya, tapi sebelum Create kamu setting dulu berapa kapasitas yang kamu inginkan.
Kalo sudah di atur kamu tinggal Create deh Partisinya
nahhh pada bagian Create As ganti dengan PRIMARY. nah klo udah oke dahh. Klik Apply, terus oke oke aja yg lainnya.

effectnya setelah di oke. komputer kamu otomatis merestart sendiri.

selesai sudah 
huhh.. sekian penjelasan dari saya wasalam.

maaf bila ada salah kata dan penjelasannya kurang jelass. nah klo kurang jelas koment wehh. oke oke.

Kumpulan Foto Selamat Idul Fitri 2016

Kumpulan Foto Selamat Idul Fitri 2016 Oke, di sini saya akan berbagi beberapa foto atau wallpaper yang saya temukan. Yaitu foto untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Gambar 1
Gambar 2
Gambar 3
Gambar 4
Gambar 5
Gambar 6

Yup mungkin segitu saja yang bisa saya bagi, karna saya pilih yang menurut saya itu bagus.

This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.